A chainsaw is a useful tool for cutting wood for heating your house or for your upcoming bonfire. It’s a helpful tool for storm cleanup as well. One of the main causes of a chainsaw not starting or running is using stale gas. There are numerous additional things that can stop the process from the beginning.
If there is not enough air, fuel, or spark to create combustion, a Husqvarna chainsaw won’t start. A Husqvarna chainsaw may not start due to a broken on/off switch, old fuel, a plugged fuel filter, a clogged fuel line, a filthy carburetor, a plugged air filter, a plugged spark arrestor, a defective spark plug, or a broken ignition coil.
In this article, we’ll present all the reasons why a Husqvarna chainsaw won’t start, along with how to resolve each issue!
Table of Contents
- Reasons Husqvarna Chainsaw Will Not Start
- Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Switch or Incorrect Setting
- Old Husqvarna Chainsaw Fuel
- Incorrect Husqvarna Chainsaw 2-Cycle Oil Mix
- Clogged Husqvarna Chainsaw Air Filter
- Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Spark Plug
- Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Ignition Coil
- Clogged Husqvarna Chainsaw Fuel Filter
- Clogged or Punctured Husqvarna Chainsaw Fuel Line
- Dirty Husqvarna Chainsaw Carburetor
- Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Recoil Starter
- Clogged Husqvarna Chainsaw Spark Arrestor
- Flooded Husqvarna Chainsaw Engine
- FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Reasons Husqvarna Chainsaw Will Not Start
- Faulty switch or incorrect setting
- Old fuel
- Incorrect 2-cycle oil mix
- Plugged air filter
- Bad spark plug
- Faulty ignition coil
- Clogged fuel filter
- Clogged or punctured fuel line
- Clogged fuel vent
- Dirty carburetor
- Faulty recoil starter
- Clogged spark arrestor
- Flooded engine
Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Switch or Incorrect Setting
A Husqvarna chainsaw that won’t start may have an issue with the switch or the ground wire.
How to Fix a Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Switch or Incorrect Setting
Flip it on if you discover that it is in the off position. To test the switch, use a multimeter. Replace a faulty switch. Fix or replace the poor ground.
Old Husqvarna Chainsaw Fuel
Gas has a finite shelf life. In actuality, it only functions for a short while before starting to degrade and lose its effectiveness. The majority of gasoline today has an alternative fuel added to it to make it slightly more environmentally friendly. Ethanol is the name of this fuel that is produced from corn or another high-starch plant.
While most vehicles can operate on ethanol without incident, tiny engines like the one in your Husqvarna chainsaw should not be used. Air moisture is drawn to the fuel system by ethanol. The mixture of ethanol and water will produce a gooey varnish that can block the fuel system and result in failures.
It’s crucial to use the gas within 30 days of purchase because breakdown can start as soon as then. Add a fuel additive to stabilize the gas if you can’t use it to extend its lifespan.
How to Fix Old Husqvarna Chainsaw Fuel
Husqvarna chainsaws need a 50:1 mixture of oil and gasoline. Use gas with an octane value of at least 89 and a maximum of 10% ethanol. Avoid gas that contains a lot of ethanol, such as E15 and E85. These fuels have ethanol contents of up to 15% and 85%, respectively.
Remove any unused fuel from your Husqvarna chainsaw. Fill with brand-new gas and oil. To assist in reducing moisture and cleaning the fuel system, mix in a fuel additive. Be aware that certain 2-cycle oils contain fuel stabilizers. Its duration might range from 30 days to 2 years, depending on the brand.
Want to learn more about chainsaw fuel? Visit our Fuel Oil Ratio Mix & How to Mix Chainsaw Gas at the Correct Ratio guides!
Incorrect Husqvarna Chainsaw 2-Cycle Oil Mix
As previously discussed, Husqvarna needs fuel that is a blend of gas and oil. Injecting straight gas into the chainsaw will harm the engine, which may require replacement. Running very dry is straight gas. Because there is insufficient lubrication, it may cause the engine to seize. Combine gas with high-end 2-cycle engine oil, such as Husqvarna XP or any other oil that is similar and certified by ISO-L-EGD and JASO M345 FD.
How to Fix Incorrect Husqvarna Chainsaw 2-Cycle Oil Mix
Because ethanol in fuel impairs the operation of your Husqvarna chainsaw, using an ethanol-free fuel is preferable but more expensive. Husqvarna creates fuel that is already mixed and ready to be poured into the fuel tank. To avoid running out of fuel, having to stop at a gas station, and having to spend time blending oil into the fuel, this is an excellent choice to have on hand.
Clogged Husqvarna Chainsaw Air Filter
The air filter is a crucial part of the engine protection system. A filter prevents dirt and debris from entering the carburetor throat and causing wear on the engine. When the air filter isn’t routinely cleaned or replaced, dirt might accumulate to such a great extent that decent airflow can’t travel through it.
You can’t start your Husqvarna chainsaw if the air filter is clogged. If you’re a typical homeowner, it’s best practice to change your air filter once a year and clean it numerous times throughout the season. You will have to clean and replace the filter more frequently if you use your chainsaw frequently.
Spend some time checking your air filter to avoid damaging engine overheating. Although this adds a step, checking the filter’s condition only takes a few seconds and can help keep your engine from becoming damaged. The filter has to be replaced if it is severely clogged or broken.
Always use an air filter when operating a chainsaw. You might be tempted to use your Husqvarna a little bit longer to complete your task before getting a new air filter replacement, but doing so could harm the engine.
How to Fix a Clogged Husqvarna Chainsaw Air Filter
First of all, remove the engine cover and take the air filter off. Clean the air filter housing of any debris by shaking it or brushing it. If necessary, wash it in a water and mild dish detergent mixture, rinse until the water is clear, and let the filter air dry fully.
Reinstall the clean filter. If the existing air filter is severely unclean, damaged, or unable to properly seal, leaving a gap where dirt can past the filter, buy and install a new one. Finally, place the engine cover back on.
Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Spark Plug
The spark needed to start and maintain the chainsaw’s operation is provided by the spark plug. For the casual user, the spark plug is a worn component that should be replaced yearly. You might need to change your chainsaw as much as once a month if you use it frequently.
How to Fix a Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Spark Plug
In between replacements, check the spark plug and clean it with a wire brush. A filthy spark plug may misfire, which will affect the engine’s performance. If a spark plug is extremely black in color, has a burned electrode, or has broken porcelain, replace it. Ensure the spark plug is gapped in accordance with Husqvarna’s recommendations and that the spark plug wire is well fastened.
Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Ignition Coil
Check the ignition coil if you have a decent spark plug but are still not getting a spark. The ignition coil’s winding may detach and short out. The spark plug won’t receive the voltage necessary to produce a spark in this situation. Your Husqvarna chainsaw won’t start as a result of this.
How to Fix a Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Ignition Coil
Detect a defective ignition coil by using an ohmmeter to look for continuity issues. If you discover a break, replace the ignition coil.
Clogged Husqvarna Chainsaw Fuel Filter
The fuel filter is used to keep dirt out of the fuel system, much like the air filter is used to keep dirt out of the air intake to prevent wear on the engine. On a Husqvarna chainsaw, the fuel filter is found in the fuel tank. It serves to strain fuel before it enters the line and is attached to the end of the fuel line.
The filter can clog up if it isn’t replaced frequently or if unclean gasoline has been used, which reduces the amount of fuel that can travel through the filter. Your Husqvarna will either be unable to start or run slowly if it cannot acquire enough fuel. Every year, or more frequently if you use the chainsaw frequently, replace the gasoline filter.
How to Fix Clogged Husqvarna Chainsaw Fuel Filter
First, take off the fuel cap and wipe the area surrounding it to prevent any dirt from falling into the fuel tank. Hook the fuel line with a clean, bent wire, and then remove the fuel filter from the tank. Pull the filter out of the fuel line with one hand while keeping the fuel line and ring clip firmly in place with the other.
Make sure the ring clip is firmly holding the fuel line to the filter before installing a new fuel filter by putting the male end into the fuel line. Finally, reinstall the gasoline cap after placing the filter in the fuel tank.
Clogged or Punctured Husqvarna Chainsaw Fuel Line
Allowing fuel to sit in your Husqvarna chainsaw can lead to buildup in the fuel line that restricts fuel flow.
How to Fix a Clogged or Punctured Husqvarna Chainsaw Fuel Line
Using carburetor cleaner, you can attempt to clear the obstruction and clean the line. Remove the clogged line, then use carburetor cleaning to spray into the line and loosen the blockage before clearing it out with compressed air. It is recommended to replace the fuel line with a new one if you are unable to adequately clear the obstruction or discover that the existing fuel line has been punctured, damaged, or cracked.
Dirty Husqvarna Chainsaw Carburetor
The carburetor controls how much fuel and air are combined to ignite combustion in the cylinder. The carburetor will become clogged with old fuel and stop working as intended. Your Husqvarna chainsaw might not start as a result of this.
How to Fix a Dirty Husqvarna Chainsaw Carburetor
You should be able to manage cleaning your carburetor if you have some mechanical aptitude. Take the carburetor apart, then clean it with a carburetor cleaner. If, after cleaning, the carburetor still doesn’t work, you might need to rebuild it or get a new one.
Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Recoil Starter
The engine of your Husqvarna chainsaw is started by a recoil. Your recoil may not function due to a defective pulley, a missing spring, broken clips, or a loose spring.
How to Fix a Faulty Husqvarna Chainsaw Recoil Starter
You could try changing the spring and restringing the recoil. You would be better off just replacing the recoil assembly if it doesn’t work because other parts of your recoil, such as the clips or the pulley, are broken.
Clogged Husqvarna Chainsaw Spark Arrestor
The spark arrestor is a tiny screen that is susceptible to soot clogging. Your Husqvarna chainsaw won’t start if the spark arrestor is blocked, which will limit airflow.
How to Fix a Clogged Husqvarna Chainsaw Spark Arrestor
Remove the spark arrestor and use a wire brush to clean it. If you can’t sufficiently clean the mesh spark arrestor screen or if it is broken, replace it. Never use your Husqvarna chainsaw with an arrestor screen that is missing or has a hole in it.
Flooded Husqvarna Chainsaw Engine
When the choke is closed and the starter rope has been pulled repeatedly, the engine may flood. It can also occur when the switch is off, the starter rope is pulled repeatedly, or the primer bulb is pushed excessively.
How to Fix a Flooded Husqvarna Chainsaw Engine
- Remove the spark plug.
- Place the chainsaw on its side. The spark plug hole should be pointed away from you.
- Pull the starter rope 6 to 8 times.
- Reinstall the clean spark plug.
- Start the chainsaw.
Visit our additional chainsaw won’t start-related pages:
- Chainsaw Won’t Start – Problem Solved!
- Chainsaw Won’t Start When Hot? Causes & Solutions GUIDE
- Chainsaw Won’t Start Has Spark and Fuel? Possible Causes & Solutions
- Husqvarna Chainsaw Won’t Start? Here’s How to Get a Husqvarna Chainsaw to Start
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What would cause a Husqvarna chainsaw not to start?
Your Husqvarna chainsaw may not start because you have a faulty switch or incorrect setting, old fuel, incorrect 2-cycle oil mix, plugged air filter, bad spark plug, faulty ignition coil, clogged fuel filter, clogged or punctured fuel line, clogged fuel vent, dirty carburetor, faulty recoil starter, clogged spark arrestor, or a flooded engine.
How do I get my Husqvarna chainsaw to start?
Standing with your right foot on the rear handle and your left hand maintaining a tight hold on the front handle. Straighten up your left arm. Use your right hand to pull the starter handle. Continue until the engine starts. If you’re having issues, you may need to troubleshoot your chainsaw.
What could be the problem when chainsaw getting fuel but not starting?
If the chainsaw won’t start, or if it begins and then stops, and the spark plug is covered in gasoline mixture, the engine is likely flooded (you will probably smell petrol). It occurs when too much fuel enters the combustion chamber, maybe as a result of repeatedly pressing the primer.
Why is my Husqvarna so hard to start?
Difficulties starting a Husqvarna chainsaw are often caused by a dirty carburetor, poor fuel, and low-quality two-stroke oil that forms deposits. You will need to inspect all these problems and resolve them in order to begin starting your Husqvarna chainsaw with ease.